Report ‘100 E-mobility stories 2023’: logotel among the excellences of e-mobility

In the fourth ‘100 Italian E-mobility stories’ report by the Symbola Foundation and Enel, logotel is among the Italian players in a sector that is putting talent and resources into circulation

Electric mobility is one of the biggest transformations underway, a revolution that fits into the larger challenge of the climate crisis. Since 2017, the Symbola Foundation and Enel have been reporting on the talents and resources engaged in the sector with the report ‘100 Italian E-mobility stories’, now in its fourth edition. Among the e-mobility excellences recounted in the fourth ‘100 Italian E-mobility stories’ report is also logotel, which has been accompanying clients such as ABB, Enel X Way and Stellantis in this transformation for years.

On 11 January, Cristina Favini, logotel’s chief design officer, participated in the presentation of the latest report in Rome, in the presence of, among others, Fondazione Symbola President Ermete Realacci, Enel CEO and general manager Francesco Starace, and Elisabetta Ripa, managing director of Enel X Way.

‘Electric mobility is a possibility, not just an opportunity,’ said Cristina Favini in her speech. ‘It is up to us to choose whether to lead this transformation or to be mere passengers. And from this point of view, design has a responsibility. Because it is not just about implementing new components and technologies, but looking at new problems and new needs. And that is, will we know how to transform the charging of a car at a pillar into an accessible and inclusive action?”.

Cristina Favini highlighted how the new ways of using an essential service such as mobility open up new interpretative scenarios that can be a field of action for designers: “Electric fuel requires more time than fuel, but it opens up new design possibilities and new spaces for originality, to create services that make the best use of this people’s time. And that they do not leave behind parts of the population, such as senior citizens. It is just one small example of a mosaic of changes that is impacting at all scales, in different industrial sectors. And, as designers, we will increasingly have to read and interpret innovations, network them with the new needs of the actors involved and thus elaborate a better perspective for everyone: people, communities, cities and territories.”

Download the fourth report ‘100 Italian E-mobility stories