

We are a
Benefit Corporation

Since February 2024, Logotel has been a Benefit Corporation.

Following a path that was already outlined in the values and DNA of our company, we have amended our bylaws to make our commitment to operate in a responsible, sustainable, and transparent manner towards people, communities, territories, and the environment, as well as cultural and social assets, entities, associations, and other stakeholders clear and irrevocable.

In addition to economic objectives, we are committed to pursuing four common benefit purposes.


We support our clients and their communities

We are committed to developing programs, schedules, and content for our Clients to stimulate and support them and their internal and external communities in developing mindsets and behaviors oriented and consistent with social and environmental sustainability, integrating them harmoniously with the services we offer.


Empowerment, training, and behaviors

We contribute to the empowerment of our people and the development of an increasingly fair work environment, through training paths, skill updating programs, and the development of new attitudes, also promoting behaviors in our people that can enhance every form of diversity and offering cultural opportunities to stimulate an open mind free from prejudice.


We act as a network actor

We act as a ‘network actor’ and collaborate with entities, third sector realities, or organizations of another nature that aim to improve the lives of people and communities also through training paths, skill updating programs, and the development of new behaviors, towards people belonging to marginalized communities or at risk of social exclusion in order to promote their personal and professional growth. We also commit to facilitating collaborations and synergies between our Clients and charitable realities that we help to create, nourish, and support.


We generate new points of view

We make available publications, reports, content, events, and initiatives created by Logotel, which can contribute to broadening the debate and generating new points of view on issues related to the sustainability, inclusion, and well-being of communities and territories.


Our sustainability-oriented strategic pillars

In the life of Logotel projects, sustainability is divided into four pillars that allow us to take concrete action and guide our point of view, our strategy and our daily choices. We want to contribute, with our scale of influence, to the achievement of some of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda: quality education, gender equality, decent work and economic growth, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, combating climate change, and partnership by objectives.


of people
and communities

At logotel, people have always been at the centre of design. We empower them to new behaviours, putting their accumulated experience at the service of our internal community to promote people’s well-being, release their unexpressed potential and strengthen their skills. These are concrete actions that intervene in the individual, team and association spheres with which we have developed partnerships.



To activate and support sustainable and inclusive individual and group behaviour.


To strengthen people’s skills and develop their unexpressed potential.


To improve the well-being of employees.


To attract new talent from fragile groups at risk of exclusion.


A design method
evolving to accommodate
the challenges of transformation

To face a changing world, our design method is always evolving and embraces the new challenges of ecology, energy transition and digital transformation, new ideas of economy and mobility. Adaptation is the key to developing projects that generate positive impacts and concrete results: systems-shifting design, inclusive design, participatory design and behavioural change applied to sustainability are the approaches with which we will meet the challenges of transition and increase the number of projects oriented towards sustainability and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.



Thinking and designing beyond the current systems to create alternative ones, better suited to meet the challenges of transition, anticipating potential needs.


Develop tools for inclusive design, capable of involving and valuing diversity.


Design solutions that impact behaviour, to support the adoption of sustainable habits and reinforce them.


Actively involve all stakeholders in the design process to trigger transformative processes oriented towards communities, environments and territories.


to generate impact
and networking

Community development is one of the fundamental pillars of logotel’s activities. Our experience in this field enables us to grasp the new social dynamics that go beyond business dimensions and can generate positive impacts on the territory, understood as a set of communities networked together. This is why we continue to cultivate the community dimension, the basis of human relations and the development of well-being outside the individualistic dimensions.



Generating positive impacts on territories.


Raising awareness in our communities.


Enhancing the network effect of territories and communities.


Spreading the core values of community-driven projects.


Shared knowledge
for a vision
of an inclusive future

Constant exploration, research, comparison and experimentation are needed to address and understand the ongoing transformations. Activities that need a participatory dimension to nurture an inclusive vision of the future. This is why we carry out our research and cultural dissemination activities in open access format and develop partnerships with actors that allow us to expand our vision, so that we can share ideas and knowledge with as many people as possible.



To nurture an inclusive vision of the future.


Collaboration with actors to spread knowledge and expand our vision.


In order for as many people as possible to understand the extent of the changes.


To explore the frontiers of knowledge.


Our commitment to the environment

To address the challenges posed by major transitions on our scale of influence, we aim to evolve our activities and habits, as a company and as a community of people, towards a continuous reduction of emissions. We measure the impact of what we produce and consume to mitigate its effects through concrete actions.

Additionally, we work within our communities (and our Business Communities) to educate and raise awareness among people about environmental sustainability. All four pillars that support our strategy for increasing sustainable development are covered by the actions and initiatives within this scope


Sustainability Report

Telling is not enough, it is important for us to measure and equip ourselves with solid tools that allow us – over time – to orient choices and decisions in an organic way. To shape a strategy in which economic growth and the generation of positive impacts become increasingly coherently interconnected.

This is why Logotel has decided to transparently report its commitment to generating a positive and sustainable impact on all its stakeholders.