Service Design & Communication



We use the potential of design to imagine, explore and prototype the possibilities of impact for businesses and organizations, translating them into services, experiences, and platforms on different scales.

We take care of the lifecycle of projects, from sense-making to guide the choices to the definition of the strategy, from the design of meaningful interactions to the development of new metrics.

We shape narratives and communication systems to involve people and organizations, from the development of new languages to daily engagement.

  • Strategy & Business

    We deploy our Impact Design method to analyse and interpret the context and the needs of people, clients, networks and communities, in order to give shape to alternative and innovative scenarios and solutions.

  • Customer &
    Employee Experience

    We develop end-to-end experiences for clients, people and communities, from understanding and optimising internal and external processes up to developing services, initiatives and plans aimed at generating real value. Accessibility, sustainability and impact measurement are an integral part of our services.

  • Innovative Concept &
    Service Development

    We shape ecosystems of meliorative and valuable services for people, organisations, the society and the environment. We support our clients from selling proposition to solution design, up to testing, implementation and development of market measures. We work together with clients, with different corporate business units and with the external ecosystem, in order to generate solutions that create real, original and measurable impact.

  • Engagement & Communication Initiatives

    We develop communication and engagement programmes involving the people and the different communities inside and outside the organisation, in order to build up relationships, free potential and enable new behaviours. Storytelling, creative narratives, DE&I & Sustainability ambassador, Social Community, Employer Branding programmes, rituals and animation kits are amongst our engagement formats.

  • Branding & Creative Production

    We give shape to distinctive brand experiences, from strategic positioning, to visual identity, up to the sistemic development of web sites, video series, setting-ups, sales tools, etc, to boost customer base attraction and retention. We take care of narrative and content production as effective and accessible services.

  • For-benefit engagement

    We support organisations in exploring and implementing social impact services and experiences, by anticipating and addressing the potential contemporary challenges regarding environmental and social sustainability, and DE&I diversity equity and inclusion. We fully prototype initiatives that allow the creation of aware, wide and valuable impact.

  • Open Innovation

    We support inward and outward open innovation programmes to sustain the growth and competitive advantage of businesses. We adopt a wide range od solutions, including innovation lab, hackathons, call4ideas, open innovation platforms, based on the impact we intend to achieve. We facilitate networking activities among different entities and individuals, such as startups, students, experts, innovation labs, growups, sector associations.


Our numbers

  • Delivered Projects


  • Engaged People


  • Lab


