
What we do

We shape a new generation of services and experiences, systems and platforms in increasingly hybrid contexts, between physical and digital.

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We enable, engage and train people, communities and networks to adopt new behaviors and act in a changing context.

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We develop, nurture and take care of communities, inside and outside organizations.

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We develop digital platforms and tools with proprietary technologies or by implementing third-party solutions.

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We carry out research projects and experiment with alternative approaches.

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Impact design, our method

We believe in design that not only focuses on individuals but also on communities – People & Community driven. We interpret their needs, designing new actions, experiences, and stories for them. This is our scope of action. Impact design allows us to enable people, organizations, and ecosystems for innovation and new behaviors, delving into what motivates them, training new sensitivities, and creating new interpretative spaces. Impact design allows us to generate positive impacts and achieve concrete and measurable results.

Impact design is systemic and multidisciplinary.

Impact design is sustainable and inclusive.

Impact design is collaborative and participatory.

Impact design is beauty.



Insight, research and observations on the great and small transformations in which we are immersed. A focus on understanding challenges, opportunities and impacts for people, organizations and society.

15 minutes

How is your community? Why, with what and how to measure it

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4 minutes

There is a lot of talk about people in organisations. What are we losing?

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5 minutes

Convergence and divergence in organizations. A possible co-existence

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