2022. It is time to Desire

“Connecting Desires”: here’s the Kick Off 2022 Poetry

Today is our new starting point. It is the day where we all gather together around a table: more than 250 people, in Lambrate district of Milan and Logotel Paris and Madrid offices. Inspired by a theme announced during the Kick Off, which will accompany us throughout the year and will become part of our identity. We dialogue, imagine, create and design together, on a truly different day. This year the theme we have chosen is “Connecting Desires“.

Desire together, to plan a desirable present and future

Desiring means activating creativity and imagination. It is a generative force that allows us to design something for improvement. Desiring means to want differently and to give shape to a new direction; it means to go beyond the need – which runs out when it is satisfied – to push ourselves towards a more important goal that orients us to reality.

Why it is important to desire today

Today it’s important to desire in order to project us towards the future. It is a fundamental action to get out of the limited vision dominated by the pandemic. The more people want together, the more this reality becomes possible, vast, explorable and concrete. Involvement and pleasure are characteristics of an experience that is collective, because desire is ignited by something that surrounds us, which attracts our curiosity and makes us feel part of something.

The beauty of desiring

The most important moments of growth occur when a desire has been released and accepted by others, inspired by others with re-generative force. Thanks to the desiring action, it is possible to realize a collective imagination and give shape to a new reality, without ever forgetting the “Enjoy” dimension, where experiences, relationships, events are enjoyed.

Connecting Desires. Networking to make an impact.

Realizing desires that lead us to a better life requires commitment on a different scale. We discovered the importance of avital and challenging commitment to sustainability, to the social and responsible commitment of business. These actions were common and their relevance was felt especially when we realized that it also corresponds to the intimate motion of each one of us. Precisely: a common desiring. We have to connect our desires, we have to network to make an impact.

Connecting Desires is our way. We are a community of people who have chosen which desirable futures they want to go to. We are Logotel, we are an Independent Design Company.