Let’s give freedom to our Voice

“FREE (Y)OUR VOICE”. Here is logotel’s Poetry for 2023

What’s a Poetry?

It is a perspective we want to pursue. An appointment for our community, a moment of awareness to inspire us and our customers for the year to come.
In 2023, we feel the need to make our voice heard, starting with that of each of us: it means shedding light, telling an idea of the world, striving for a better chance.

What’s a “voice”?

A voice is not just a sound; it is a sign, an expression that finds different paths and languages.
It is our fingerprint, the only sign that cannot be separated from our identity. It expresses our vision of things and the future and expresses our emotions, our mood. In short, he tells about us.
Building a voice is not just a matter of volume, but means building a position through listening and dialogue, in a game of sharing ideas where a voice is taken or given when one has something to say, with authority and freshness of opinion.

When does the voice become ours?

Everyone can make a contribution, and find the courage to develop their talent and passion. Because voices meet, mix, condition each other and create noise. When this noise becomes Harmony, a Voice is born that collects all the points of view of a community.
Your looses the Y and becomes Our. It is a natural process in which the community chooses to shape a unique, recognisable voice in which each of us can recognise ourselves and contribute to building and evolving.

Being a free and independent voice

Starting with the voice and value of people, we want to grow the logotel community as an original and ‘independent’ voice in society.
Each of us has the opportunity and responsibility to express our voice. A free voice attracts free people and invites action. Free to choose projects, people, challenges, futures. A free voice generates free people.
Freeing one’s voice is essential to transform an intuition into an action, a point of view into something real that creates impact.
The best transformations take place only where there are free and independent voices. We want to be like that.