Logotel’s Kickoff: our pitch into the new year

The ingredients for our traditional kickoff: a topic to inspire and guide us all year round, days to imagine our future together, Logotel’s people all together, surprise locations.

Each year in February Logotel takes some time to spark new thoughts and ideas for the year to come, all together, Making Together! Various locations through the years hosted the energy of our teams: Università del Gusto (‘University of Taste’) in Pollenzo, television studios, historical buildings all around Italy, Lake Maggiore, or the snowy heights of Madesimo.

What is Logotel’s Kickoff?

It’s a moment to reunite and time to sum up the months that passed, share the Poetry that will move our next steps, exchange energy, focus on new challenges and let ourselves be inspired by ideas and activities.
We are almost 300 people, the Kickoff is the perfect opportunity to exchange thoughts on projects or even just have a simple coffee with professionals and teams: all together in a multidisciplinary and international context.

But where did we start? Here are the last editions of our Kickoff, together with the topics that have brought us all the way here.

2022 – Connecting Desires

We felt the need to unleash our imaginations and to return to wanting, together, an increasingly sustainable, equitable and inclusive future. How? CONNECTING the DESIRES of a community. This is the red thread that has guided our way of designing, relating to, and experiencing our newfound spaces in hybrid mode.

2021 – Get in Touch

GETTING IN TOUCH is one way of preserving the beauty of completely random discoveries and vital impulses – that Serendipity, which helps us enrich our vision of reality. Being in contact helps us strengthen our community, that Making Together which is our trademark. It helps us share and feel part of positive transformation projects. GETTING IN TOUCH is our strength.

2020 – Point of View

Seeing, foreseeing, showing. We need to observe, go in depth, have a vision that allows us to be interpreters of our lives. We need to look at the world from a point of view, because the interpretation of reality always generates meaning, a perspective that reveals and realigns the single steps towards a better purpose.

2019 – Do It With Care

What we do tells the story of who we are. Do it with care. Taking car is when attention becomes intention, the “how” will make the difference and will generate impact. Do it with care is an courageous action, it’s a differential mark which generates a new result, which we have to accompany with curiosity.

2018 – YES | Your Extraordinary Self

YES: each and every one of us can bring effective and transformative routes in to play, to change things in a practical and visible manner, to generate impacts on projects. It’s necessary to keep training a multi-dimensional consistency, as people and as a company: behind a strong “Why” we need to have strong “Who”s.

2017 – Impact to

A Kickoff under the sign of “We bring impact to…”: every one of our gestures, projects and skills can bring along true change, give new meaning to reality and create impact on what surrounds us and in people’s lives.

2016 – Play Original

The contamination between worlds and different knowledge produces concrete and original answers. It’s the year of “Play Original”: unexpected (or designed) encounters generate originality  e and value, just as the phrase that took us through 2016 and beyond states: “When… meets…”.

2015 – Future Needs

With new markets opening and the context transforming, experiences change and we need to re-code people’s needs: this year we’re giving Need Design a shape and our Kickoff will concentrate on the dimension of Needs. Design, develop, manage a relationship or a service, all these things require us to become “experts” of People, their behaviours, their emotions.

2014 – Thinkintime

A year to concentrate on the time factor as a metaphor for the start of every story, a condition for memory, the vision of the future and a key element of project sensemaking. In a continuously changing context, the true urgency is abandon our alibis and make a date with time. Time to be taken, not lost. Time to act and not time to endure. Time for value to create value.

2013 – Make Change Happen

Change doesn’t happen if there’s no motivation and participation: People are the true actors, artisans and “makers” of change. It is necessary to train a set of dynamic behaviours, knowledge and abilities on a daily basis: we’re talking about “people consistency”.

2012 – Believe It and Make it

We need to intertwine our talents with others to create new “hybrid” combinations of unprecedented skills and abilities, in order to produce a shared meaning, to believe in projects and make them come alive: it’s the year of “Believe it and make it!”

2011 – We Make

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”: ME + ME does not equal two MEs, but WE! In order to imagine the future and follow all the changes, it is necessary to listen to our WEs, who concretely land our projects onto the ground.

2010 – We Ready

Changes are constant, we need agility, to be ready to dash forward in no time. Brave companies train every day, ready to re-design their abilities, select their experience, innovate their way of working. But a company is only ever truly ready when all of its people are, each with their own work, focussing on their objectives, with their imagination, their curiosity and passion.

2009 – Be Brave

Imagine, create, innovate: the “Be Brave” will push us to be courageous, to dare with our hearts, with courage and concreteness, like avant-garde movements did, with the abilities that will give our projects shape.