MAKE IT WORK – Reinventing your ways of working

In order to make and to make something happen, we need a perspective, a new lens to deal with the challenges we face.

The world of work is changing: innovations and technologies are not lacking but – alone – are not enough. In order to make and to make something happen, we need a perspective, a new lens to deal with the challenges we face. This is the new and alternative look with which we want to approach the People Transformation, to accompany people, organisations and communities to realise new ways of working. And it is in this spirit that we have shaped Make it Work, an event created to combine imagination and concreteness.

What prospects for better work, today and tomorrow?
Make it Work is an experience intended, first and foremost, to support all business figures to change their outlook, to put in place improving actions for people and organisations understood as communities which, from our point of view, are the true centre of gravity.
From inspiration to action, Make it Work developed around two workshops, collaborative opportunities to ‘make it work’ two key elements of contemporary organisations: communities and experiences, as spaces and ways to engage people.

Make y/our COMMUNITY work
The first workshop was designed to engage participants on community-centred design, crucial for ‘making’ communities work in organisations. From theory to practice, the workshop explored the dynamics of community engagement and the motivations that drive people to participate. With tools made in Logotel, such as an ‘inspirational face cube’, the workshop was as much an opportunity for reflection as for triggering moments of fast prototyping.

Make y/our experience work
The second workshop provided useful ideas for shaping new hybrid work experiences, starting with a fundamental element: collaboration, i.e. the true infrastructure of distributed organisations. The workshop had a concrete objective: to help organisations create engaging, motivating and empathic experiences, with the support of a set of card-ingredients to be combined to generate these types of experiences.

Make it work was all this, but also an opportunity to get to know each other, meet, exchange ideas… Here are some pictures!